T.B.C you & me
Let Us Speak Together......

I am an explorer, a believer and a learner. I worked as a Radio Jockey for almost 2 years in the past with different radio stations in India and Australia. To give my voice a stage I have started this podcast and my YouTube channel, to shine the light on the treasures of life. I want to share my journey with you and want to learn more about your unique journey.
Professionally I am a Project Manager and an academic. I have masters in English Literature, Project Management and Psychology. I provide my services as an honorary student advisor to Royal Holloway University of London, where I worked as a Post-graduate student ambassador for an year and also as a Student Enquiry Assistant for a couple of months. My journey is filled with exciting experiences and lessons that I am thrilled to share with you.
Truth Bliss and Consciousness (T.B.C you & me) is a podcast to highlight and discuss beautiful aspects of life. Derived from a Sanskrit work 'Satchitananda', this word constitutes the three elements of truth, bliss and consciousness. These three elements are considered to be inseparable to understand the ultimate reality of our existence. In my understanding that reality is unique to each one of us. Lets come together and share what we think the ultimate reality is....